Surtex 2014 Directory - page 59

new exhibitor
LiLiAn cohen Design
newYork, nY 10014
(812) 369-0295
organic prints and memorable character
illustration for a range of products.
LiLLA rogers stuDio
Arlington, MA 02474
(781) 641-2787
since 1984 with clients like iKeA, Land of
nod, crate & barrel, andtarget.
ALLison coLe,Amy BLAy, dAnieL roode,
heLen dArdik, Jenn ski, Jennifer Judd-
mcgee, JiLLiAn phiLLips, Jon cAnneLL, LindA
keteLhut, LisA congdon, LisA deJohn,
mAcrinA BusAto, mAti mcdonough, mike
Lowery, sArAJo frieden, siLviA dekker,
susy piLgrimwAters, suzy uLtmAn,trinA
dALzieL, zoe ingrAm
LinDA mcDonALD inc.
Charlotte, nC 28209
(704) 370-0057
international licensing agency for decorative
artists and graphic illustrators.
Amy gAntt, BArBArA Brower, Betty
pAdden, Bruce michAeL, chArLie zABArte,
desiree hABicht, evA crAwford, gAiL
mccLure, heAther myers, kAren cruden,
kAthy cAmeron, LAiney dAnieLs, micheLe
kLee greuLich, micheLLe pALmer, monicA
sABoLLA gruppo, sALLy keszLer, sAndrA
dAwson, sAndrA mALone, susAn pisoni,
tinA LedBetter
LonDon PortFoLio
Morristown, nJ 07960
(973) 683-0004
international artist agency designing for
stationery, tabletop, gifts, fabric.
giLLiAn fuLLArd, kim mArtin
LooKing gooD Licensing
Manchester,VT 05254
(860) 248-9838
Art & brand licensing agency offering product
development, marketing & concept.
Bruce cohen, dAvid t. sAnds, erin
dertner, greenwichworkshop, JAnweiss,
John pitcher, kevin dAnieL, kristine
LomBArdi, LAurA megroz, michAeL
crAmpton, michAeL quAckenBush, nettie
price, noAh BAy, pAmeLA hArnois, roBin
BetterLey, rosA perry, sAndywiLLiAms,
steve sundrAm, union pAcific rAiLroAd,
yogA dogs
Peekskill, nY 10566
(914) 257-7588
Art for licensing and product development.
LucKy DAy stuDio
Cleveland, oH 44113
(216) 272-0989
Debuting exciting new work from handpicked
artists - whimsical, modern and fun!
LyLove stuDio
newYork, nY 10010
(212) 679-0734
creative collections of surface designs for
lifestyle markets.
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