6 How High Is Too High? Meta-analyses have shown increased risk of CVD in individuals with Lp(a) levels above 50 mg/dL. According to AHA/ACC cholesterol guidelines, Lp(a) levels greater than/equal to 50 mg/dL constitute a risk enhancing factor.3 Lp(a) increases ASCVD risk, especially at higher levels. How Common Is It? 20%30% to of the global population10 Elevated levels prevalent in Black people have the highest median Lp(a) levels, followed by South Asian, Hispanic and East Asian peoples. Native American people have the lowest Lp(a) levels.13 What Causes High Lp(a) Levels? The major cause of high Lp(a) levels is genetics, mostly reflecting differences in the size of the gene encoding apo(a).4