AHA LP(a) PAD toolkit: Emerging Diagnosis and Management

9 Lp(a) and PAD Toolkit: Emerging Diagnosis and Management An estimated 20-25% of the world’s population has elevated levels of Lp(a).11 Disease/condition Atherosclerosis Thrombosis Aortic Valve Calcification Lp(a) structure & property Molecular mass: 300-800 kDa High carbohydrate content: 28% Apo(a) KIV3-10 KIV1 KIV2 (multiple copies) KV Lipid-rich domain ApoB- 100 a d b c Lp(a) serum level is associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases including stroke, myocardial infarction (MI), and PAD. Lp(a) is also a significant independent risk factor for PAD and is associated with more severe forms of PAD in specific populations.4 Regulation Genetics Ethnicity/ Race Medical conditions Environment Lp(a) concentration (high variability) Defining Lp(a): and why it matters Continued