AHA LP(a) PAD toolkit: Emerging Diagnosis and Management

10 Elevated Lp(a) is a common independent atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk factor that is not measured in the majority of affected patients. The only currently available method to know if someone has elevated Lp(a) is to measure Lp(a) with a simple blood test that is relatively inexpensive. Awareness of the presence of elevated Lp(a) is important, because high Lp(a) increases atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk and could inform clinical decision-making regarding risk management. Cascade screening of family members of patients with elevated Lp(a) may identify additional individuals with elevated Lp(a) because of its autosomal codominant inheritance pattern.12 Elevated Lp(a) is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), PAD, cerebrovascular disease, and calcific aortic stenosis. Why Is Lp(a) Important to Measure in Addition to LDL? a) CKD b) Liver disease c) Menopause Lp(a) can be increased by:13 Why would a clinician measure Lp(a)?